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Font preview?

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  • #4236

    It’s great that there are so many typography options. Trouble is I’m not familiar with them at all. To test one by one, save, refresh blog to see what it looks like is craziness! Is there some other website that lists what the theme’s fonts actually look like?

    I suggest future versions have font previews in that section…


    i have been looking each font up in google, sort of a pain.


    I did the same. at least Google gives a good preview and has pairings so you can decide which fonts to use for title, content, etc. I went alphabetical and picked from the A’s… Just too many fonts. I’m curious though about the others. May spend some time there.

    Sanjip Shah

    @gassho and @kikicuisine Thanks for the feedback. For now you can preview the fonts here We will see the preview feature in our version updates. Thanks.

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