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youtube embed problem

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  • #89816

    hello, youtube videos do not fit on the page. how can i solve this problem?


    Hi harun,

    You have directly used the embedded code. You need to wrap the embedded code. You have to wrap the embed code with the class ’embed-responsive’ & ’embed-responsive-16by9′ to make responsive. So Please wrap the embedded code with the class ’embed-responsive’ and ’embed-responsive-16by9′.

    <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
      (Paste your embedded code here)

    Please paste the embedded code as mentioned above.
    If you are using the WordPress 5+ then you can use the Embeds Block Features of Gutenberg on the page/post editor page which will be very easy to use the embedded code with out any HTML code customization.


    hi, i am using classic editor. there is a field to add a video there. I’m just adding the video link. I am not adding the embed code. I managed to embed the videos with the code you provided. but do i do this manually every time? why doesn’t it work with the editor?

    Thanks for your help.


    Yes you have to manually edit the video as HTML through ‘edit as HTML’ option as should wrap the iframe that you get on video element because the classic editor has not control for video to resize the video size or you have to add the video of smaller in size.
    If you don’t want to work it manually every time then it’s better to upgrade the WordPress to latest version where you can edit the page content through block features and you can easily add videos that automatically responsibly.



    Thanks for your help.


    Welcome anytime @leejohny653

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