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Using Javascript to create text links


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  • #42747

    I recently changed themes from Clean Retina to Ultimate. However, the Amazon Publisher Studio text links that I created are no longer active. These links were created by Javascript using their tool called Publisher Studio. I’ve even tried creating new links with the Ultimate theme but that doesn’t work either. Can you tell me if there is something I can do to allow Javascript hyperlinks? It works fine in Clean Retina but not your other themes. Why is that? Thanks


    Hi herron_james,

    We did not get exactly what are you trying to say? Could you also try using default theme twentyfifteen too? Also it would be better if you provide your site Url too.

    Thank you!


    Let me try to explain. There is a tool for Amazon affiliates, called Studio Publisher, that you highlight text or images with and it creates links using javascript instead of the traditional way of creating links. Is there anything in some of your themes that would prevent this from linking? I have no trouble with the Clean Retina theme but your other themes don’t pick up the links.


    Hi herron_james,

    Do you like to create a links in post? First go to page and select a blog full content display template. This blog full content may help you to create links using javascript. Just try doing it.

    Thank you!

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