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Update version 1.0.6

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  • #20597

    How do I install this update?
    If I go to themes and try and upload it, it says there is already a file with that name in my root.


    Hi info39,

    First deactivate the theme and delete the old version of the theme then upload the new version of the theme and activate it. If you have not customize the code then there will be no any changes you will find but if you customize the code then your all customize code will be lost. So, first back up your previous version of clean retina pro and then only activate the new one.

    Thank you!


    hi there,
    ok i understood the customise-danger for updating the theme. so i did a bit customisation but not in the themefiles directly.. i only added some styles in the custom-css area –> Design–>ThemeOptions–>DesignOptions–>CustomCss.
    so will this also be lost? and i do have to backup my custom styles in there?



    Hi Jörg,

    If you have added inside custom-css area –> Design–>ThemeOptions–>DesignOptions–>CustomCss then your customization code will not be lost. It’s better to make backup before updating anything.

    Thank you!


    ok thnank you 🙂


    You welcome Jörg

    Thank you!

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