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Trying to add padding to my pages

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  • #4504
    [email protected]

    Hi thank you so much for your past help.

    I am trying to add padding in my biography and home page so that the line spacing is about 1.5 rather than single spaced. I was asked to provide specific example. So below is my bio. My page is Thanks in advance!!

    <p style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #000080;”>acergriseumlaura au (2)Laura Nash’s lust for plants, helps to create a rich palette of plant material, while the artist in her tempers it with her need to create harmony and unity</span>.<span style=”color: #000080;”> Her passion for art and creative compositions, make Laura such a strong designer. Success as a designer, for her, is measured by the degree that her clients match up or exceed her clients expectations. She loves to see the finish design implemented and how the new elements and changes can totally transform my clients’ perspective of their homes for the better.</span></p>

    <h1 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #000080;”> </span>spilledquote</h1>
    <address> </address>

    [email protected]

    <p style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #000080;”>acergriseumlaura au (2)Laura Nash’s lust for plants, helps to create a rich palette of plant material, while the artist in her tempers it with her need to create harmony and unity</span>.<span style=”color: #000080;”> Her passion for art and creative compositions, make Laura such a strong designer. Success as a designer, for her, is measured by the degree that her clients match up or exceed her clients expectations. She loves to see the finish design implemented and how the new elements and changes can totally transform my clients’ perspective of their homes for the better.</span></p>

    <h1 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #000080;”> </span>spilledquote</h1>
    <address> </address>

    Thank you, you have an awesome website.


    sovit ranjitkar

    We do not understand what you exactly trying to say. Please clarify it nicely so that we can help you to the exact point.

    Thank you for using our theme. 🙂

    [email protected]


    I apologize for being unclear. What I have been attempting is to change the single spacing (In the text portion) in my ‘biography’ and the ‘home’ page to 1.5 spaces between each line.

    I have attempted this, but with no luck. Thank you for your help and expertise.



    Sanjip Shah

    @laurelleaf08yahoo-com Please provide a link to the exact page where you want to make the changes and you can put your query by referring to that page. That way it will be easier for us to provide the support. Putting all the hmtl in the forum has created more confusion to find which part you are referring to.
    I have tried to figure out what you are trying to do. In the dashboard, go to Appearance->Theme Options->Design Options Tab->Custom CSS.
    Paste the following css and click on ‘Save all Changes’. See if this works for you.

    #container p {
        line-height: 1.5;
    [email protected]

    Thanks, Sanjijo,

    That did the trick. Thanks again for your help!!


    Sanjip Shah
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