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Theme update Attitude Pro

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  • #8957


    I too got the theme update message
    “There is a new version of the Attitude Pro Childs theme available. You have version 1.0.0 installed. Update to version 1.3”

    I downloaded it from Available downloads and uploaded to the Attitude-Pro-Childs folder using cpanel overwriting the existing files.

    Now in the Dashboard->Appearances->Themes when I checked it still shows the older version of the theme. I don’t know what am missing. Can you guide me pls.


    HI Manoranjan

    At first deactivate your previous theme attitude pro and activate twenty eleven / twenty twelve / twenty thirteen theme which is the default wordpress theme.
    Then rename the attitude pro theme and give the new name. You are getting the installation already exists because there is already attitude pro version.
    the only install the updated new theme. After installation you can see two attitude pro theme with same name and image. The only way to know the latest version is you just check the theme version.
    Then you activate it.

    Hope you got it now 🙂


    I am sorry I could not get it completely.
    Currently I have in my Dashboard->Appearance->Themes->
    1. Attitude Pro Childs (active theme)
    2. Attitude Pro (1.3 version)
    3. Attitude Pro 1 (1.3 version, installed by your support theme)

    Please clear my confusion, I do not want to loose all the customization


    Hi Manoranjan

    If both is version 1.3 then its your latest theme. There must be different version. It seems that you have both the new version. So you need not to do anything. Here you activate only the attitude pro child (which is active) and that’s all


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