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Showing widget on mobile devices

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  • #8092
    Edward Jack

    I just installed an amazon widget on my site. It works fine on a desktop but does not appear on mobile devices. Is there a way to enable it for mobile devices?

    Sanjip Shah

    @Edward Our theme is responsive which means the content will adjust according to the device width. In the small devices like mobile the widget actually does not disappear but it goes below the content area for better content visibility and readability. This is latest in the trend. You can also check our demo in small devices for this.

    Edward Jack

    Thanks for the reply, Sanjip. Unfortunately, there is just a blank space below the content where the widget should be. Any suggestions?

    Edward Jack

    @Sanjib Have you been able to determine why my amazon widget is not showing on mobile devices? I checked the space below the content. It isn’t showing.

    Sanjip Shah

    @Edward Please provide a link to your site so that I can check further on it.

    Edward Jack

    @Sanjib here’s my site: The widget is at the top of sidebar on the right.

    I found a blog post yesterday where someone addressed this issue: Unfortunately, there was not solution in the post.

    Sanjip Shah

    Hi, Just checked your site in Iphone and Android phone as well and I can see the all the widgets including the amazon widgets perfectly fine.

    Edward Jack

    Hi @Sanjip,

    I took the Amazon widget off the site yesterday. It wasn’t showing up on an iPhone or a kindle. I decided to go with the simple image widgets which don’t cause a problem.

    Sanjip Shah

    Okay. Great.

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