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Services Widget with 6 services

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  • #20798

    Thanks for the great theme! We would like to have our six services in the services widget shown centered and responsive. E.g. four in the first row and two centered in the second row or three in each row. With the update to interface pro I got an opportunity to choose the number of services, but it has no effect of the alignment.

    .business-layout .one-fourth {
        width: 30.35%;

    made it worse (three in the first row, one flush-right in the second, two flush-left in the third… and not responsive anymore).
    Do you have any ideas (CSS, code customization, …)?



    Hi Malte,
    We have designed our theme with service widgets in four column. This feature is not available in our theme. It needs css and code customization. So you need to hire a developer to fix the issue. Before making any changes first of all you need to create a child theme then only customize the code.

    Thank you!

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