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Services Widget – Different set on different page

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  • #46847

    I would like to have another page created with a different set of ‘services’ and associated icons .. that actually link to external web pages..

    Is this possible?

    Also, Pages seem to be automatically across the top of the main page when you add them. How can I add Pages that do not appear on the top of the Home page?


    Hi john9,

    To have link to external web pages is not possible. It is completely a new features. So code customization is required.

    We did not get what are you trying to say? which page seem to be automatically across the top of the main page? Can you provide your site link?

    Thank you


    Take a look at:

    Across the top is “Home”, Swimming”, “Track & Field” and “Wrestling” – they are there because of the ‘Featured Slider’ – what if I do not want those additional links at the top of the page?

    As to the first question…
    I have this web site that will be a portal to a number of websites… for example the swimming page will have links to 12 different focused sites where the data is stored – On the main page I have the Icons on the bottom of the page (Services) that show the three sports… I would like to duplicate that on the swimming page with the ‘read more’ (Services) linking to other sites…

    Also, can I turn off the ‘Featured Slider’ text but keep them form the ‘Services’ ?


    Hi john9,

    You can use image slider instead of featured slider. If you don’t like to have a link on slider better use image slider and use # sign on link field.

    To set image slider go to dashboard -> appearance -> customize -> featured post/page slider options -> featured image slider options and upload slider images. Also go to slider options and select image slider instead of selecting Featured Post/ page Image Slider

    Do you want to add services widgets on swimming page. Create a page and select the service template. Go to dashboard -> widgets -> and drag/ drop services widgets to service page section.

    Yes, go to customizer -> featured page/ post slider -> slider options -> Slider Content and set it to off. You content displayed on slider will be hidden.

    Thank you

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