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remove border from featured images on corporate home page?


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  • #16342

    I’m getting a border around the round images on the corporate layout home page. Is there a way to remove these? See my testing site here:

    I have another site with this theme where I don’t have this problem: (or maybe I already resolved this with you in the past – in either case, I can’t seem to find a solution).



    Hi pttony,

    Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    .services-item .service-icon { 
        padding: 0;

    Thank you!


    fantastic! Thanks.

    Quick follow-up question:

    After the fix I noticed that one of the three images (in the donate box) highlights on rollover – while the other two don’t. Is there a setting that can fix this or make it consistent? I’m fine either way.


    Hi tony.jenkins,
    which donate box are you talking? Could you please send the url of your site.

    Thank you!


    I’m referring to the three corporate layout middle boxes… the featured images in the first two don’t highlight on rollover — the third one (the box titled donate) highlights as blue on rollover.

    Why the discrepancy between the other two?


    Hi tony,

    We have found that there is a css conflict with the theme. Just Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS add the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    .services-item .service-icon { 
        background-color: #555;

    Thank you!


    I tried your suggestion but there is no change. Any further advice? It’s strange that there is a CSS conflict… I’ve not altered the CSS in any way after installing – unless there is some plug-in conflict.


    FYI – I changed the featured image and it appears to have fixed the problem.

    I think what was happening is that I had an image with white text and a transparent background. Apparently the transparency caused the highlight to appear? Is there any particular reason why that might happen?


    Hi tony,

    There is CSS file name widget005.old.css where there is a below css and it is conflicting to the main style.css file.

    .service-icon {
        padding: 4px 8px;
    .service-icon:hover {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #2095f0;
        color: #fff;

    Thank you!

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