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PromoBox Secondary Text Not Being Translated


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  • #104697

    We are using the Ambition Pro Premium theme with WPML and all widgets are being translated correctly except for the PromoBox secondary text.

    WPML String Traslation finds the primary text as translatable but I had to manually add the secondary text, which is located here:

    admin_texts_widget_ambition_promobox_widget -> [widget_ambition_promobox_widget][2]ambition_widget_secondary

    However, once translated it is not being translated on the fornt-end:

    Can you please have a look? Thank you!


    Hi Marc,

    You can translate the secondary text as same as you did for primary text.
    Also Please see this video tutorial for to translating widgets in WPML.

    Thank you!



    The seconday text is not automatically found by WPML. We had to manually add the string and then translate it. However, the translation is not dispalyed in the front end.


    Hello Marc

    This is resolved as you described in another forum topic.

    Thank you!


    This is actually not solved.

    WPML solved the issue with the page titles but the secondary text in the PromoBox keeps appearing only in English.


    Can you please reply?

    This was asked almost 2 months ago.


    Hello Marc,

    Seems like our support team has been taking this query via email.
    Please consider using email support.

    Thank you!

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