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Previous and Next buttons have disappeared on my blog

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  • #9227

    Previous and Next buttons have disappeared on my blog. I have no idea why.

    Do you know how I can fix it?


    Hi Flow

    have you edited our theme or not ? Did you install the plugin ?

    Just install this plugin once WP-PageNavi



    I did not edit the theme. Is that plugin required? I swear I had the links without the plugin before.

    But I do use these custom css. maybe one of these is screwing it up?

    .entry-meta {
    .entry-meta-bar {
    border-bottom: medium none;
    border-top: medium none;
    .hgroup-wrap {
    padding-bottom: 0;
    padding-top: 0;
    #site-logo {
    margin-top: 15px;
    margin-bottom: -20px;
    #branding {
    background-color: #411001;
    .page-title-wrap {
    display: none;
    #footer, #footer p {
    color: #ffffff;
    background-color: #411001;
    display: none;

    ol.commentlist { list-style:none; margin:0 0 1em; padding:0; text-indent:0; }
    ol.commentlist li { }
    ol.commentlist li.alt { }
    ol.commentlist li.bypostauthor {}
    ol.commentlist li.byuser {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment-author-admin {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment { border-bottom:1px dotted #666; padding:1em; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.comment-author {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.vcard { font:normal 16px georgia,times,serif; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.vcard cite.fn { font-style:normal; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.vcard cite.fn a.url {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.vcard img.avatar { border:5px solid #ccc; float:right; margin:0 0 1em 1em; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.vcard img.avatar-32 {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.vcard {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.vcard span.says {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.commentmetadata {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.comment-meta { font-size:9px; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.comment-meta a { color:#ccc; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment p { font-size:11px; margin:0 0 1em; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul { font-size:11px; list-style:square; margin:0 0 1em 2em; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.reply { font-size:11px; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment div.reply a { font-weight:bold; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children { list-style:none; margin:1em 0 0; text-indent:0; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.alt {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.bypostauthor {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.byuser {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.comment {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.comment-author-admin {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.depth-2 { border-left:5px solid #555; margin:0 0 .25em .25em; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.depth-3 { border-left:5px solid #999; margin:0 0 .25em .25em; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.depth-4 { border-left:5px solid #bbb; margin:0 0 .25em .25em; }
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.depth-5 {}
    ol.commentlist li.comment ul.children li.odd {}
    ol.commentlist li.even { background:#fff; }
    ol.commentlist li.odd { background:#f6f6f6; }
    ol.commentlist li.parent { border-left:5px solid #111; }
    ol.commentlist li.thread-alt { }
    ol.commentlist li.thread-even {}
    ol.commentlist li.thread-odd {}


    Added the plugin, and it gave me some insight.

    At first it didn’t work at all, then I clicked the toggle to force nav buttons to show even if it’s only one page.

    Sure enough, my blog page is being treated as if it is only one page, which is probably why there aren’t nav links showing.

    Ended up deactivating the plugin.

    Any idea why the blog page is not recognizing past pages?


    Hi Flow

    Once you activate your plugin as i have mentioned before.

    And go to dashboard->settings->reading

    Can you see Blog pages show at most
    its default 10 there and set as 2 or 3. Then you will be able to see pagination. Hope this may help you. I saw in you site there is 10 post but you have only 6 posts. So i think you are not getting the pagination.

    Hope this may help you



    The only thing is that I have 401 posts. For some reason it is not recognizing that I have 401 posts and reverting to only one page for the blog.

    The blog page actually shows 10 posts, not 6. If it set to 2 or 3 it only shows 2 or 3 without prev and next buttons.

    There is an issue somewhere, and I cannot pinpoint it.


    If you click on the last post, you will see nav buttons going to previous post 11 and so on. I have 401 posts total.


    Just figured it out. There was a conflicting plugin.


    Ok That’s great Flow

    You can add pagination for this plugin too. WP-PageNavi



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