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Phone number with text in header

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  • #51560

    Hi there. I have the PRO version of Interface and I am attempting to add a clickable phone number with text in the header of my website. I’d like for the phone number and text to display in the middle section of the header, between my logo (top left) and menu (top right). I’d like for the text to say: “Free Consultation: xxx-xxx-xxxx”. I’d also like to edit the text, so that the phone number is in a large font, in a different color.

    I have attempted using the following code in the header.php file to no avail:

    <div class=”inner”>
    	<div class=”number-wrap”>
    		<p class=”city”>Call for a <br>Free Consultation:</p>
    		<p class=”number”><a href="tel:5052472774" rel="nofollow"><font class=”number”>(505) 247-2774</font></a></p>

    I do have our phone number in the top social bar; however, I’d like for the phone number to be very prominent and the social bar text is pretty small.

    Are you able to provide guidance on this?

    Thank you!


    hi Robert,

    Go to theme folder -> inc -> structure -> header-extension.php at end of line no 350 and add below code

    <div class="number-wrap">
    		<span>Call for a <br> Free Consultation: <a href="tel:5052472774" class="number" title="Call" rel="nofollow">(505) 247-2774</a></span>

    Again go to Appearance -> Theme Options/ customize -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    .number-wrap {
    	float: left;
    	margin: 30px 0 0 30px;
    .number-wrap .number {
    	font-size: 20px;

    Thank you!

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