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Page Title font size not changing


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  • #11434

    New to Theme Horse.

    I’ve tried various combination in order to increase the size of my page titles but to no avail.
    Tried changing h1 and the class “page-title” but never seems to reflect the change at all. What am I missing?

    Thanks in advance, Joe


    Hi Joseph,

    You can change the size of page title from the theme options panel. To change the size Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Typography Options -> Font Size -> Post Title and change the size from the drop down menu at the right side and Click on save all changes button:

    Thank you!



    I understand this option, however, that only allows me to size up to 28px. I want my page titles as large as 36px or 3em.
    How can I override this restriction and increase much larger OR must I leave the title area blank and put whatever I like in the body?

    Please advise.



    Hi joseph,
    We have designed our theme this way. You need code customization for it. we recommended not to change the code because if you change the code then while updating to our new version all the customization code will be lost. If you still want to change it then we will help you.

    Thank you!

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