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Multilingual Translation issue (Polylang)

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  • #27502

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for your job creating the Attitude template. It is awesome and very useful!
    I have used the Polylang plugin to add different languages to my website such as Spanish, French and English. The problem I have is that at the time of clicking any of the languages (I have added the language flag on the main menu), all the site changes to the proper language selected, but the text of slide in the home page do not.
    This is my first website (actually I am doing it for my own business) and I have learned myself from tutorials. But with this issue of the translation I am not able to find why does not change the language in the home slide.

    Thanks for your help in advance!
    The website is:



    Hi info114,

    Sorry we have not test our theme with multilangual Plugins and cannot gurantee that our theme will work with Polylang Plugins. Also it will be better if you ask for support to the main author of Polylang Plugins.

    Thank you!


    Hi info114,

    May I ask you how did you add the flags in the menu?
    I am using another multilanguage plugin (Simple Language Switcher) but cannot do the same…

    Thanks a lot!


    Hi Alexander,

    I have used the Polylang plugin and you have different options (add text language, flags, etc) when you are adding the language in the menu section.
    I do not know how it works with your plugin… Sorry!

    Good luck!!


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