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Margins/Paddings off and not equally centered

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  • #11744

    The main page, category page, and posts, have different margins between the menu and the post and the post is off center.
    I tried really hard to find the code to fix it but can’t seem to find it.

    I changed the #content .post margin-bottom: 40px; to 0px under #Content.
    However once i lower it to 0px, the margin for the category page is still off.

    Anyone can help?
    I want the category page to have the same format as the post page and the main page to have the same centring as the post page.

    Main site:
    Post: <— (the page with the correct margins after the menu and is centered)


    Hi the goddess,

    Sorry! You have customize the code and the site layout is totally different to our theme Attitude. All the gaps are equal and perfect in our Attitude demo.

    Thank you!

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