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Linking from one page to a specific spot (anker) in text of another page

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  • #58605

    Hello, can you please help me?

    I’m trying to hyperlink within Clean Retina Pro from one spot on a page to another specific spot on a different page. I set an anchor as usual at the destination spot (on website’s last page (Sources) and a hyperlink at the end of the text on the origin page (“The Window” (1)). The linking works but no matter where I place the anchor on the destination page, the browser always opens to the second line of the page where the anker is, and not on the line containing the anchor.

    Please look at On that page, at the end of the text, there is a reference to “(1)”. Clicking on this (1) should link specifically to the first line (where I placed the anchor) of the last page of the site (“Sources”;, but it opens to the second line instead. I tried placing the anchor in several other spots, but the browser always opens at this second line.

    As you can see the (1-11) are references to songs and other texts that I use in the website. I would like to link each (#) with the corresponding specific numbered line that refers to publications and songs on the “Sources” page, rather than having them all simply point to the Sources webpage.

    Is this possibly a limitation imposed by the theme itself, or am I missing something? I’m not too experienced and may be overlooking something and would truly appreciate your help.




    Hi Fritz,

    You can add the unique id for each line here
    and link to those ids to the specific page.

    for example you can add id in your references-and-sources page for each line with unique id as below:

    <span id="1-thewindow">(1) Fragment of The Window — Leonard Cohen, Recent Songs, 1979</span>

    and to link to this specific line just add the link on the specific page as below:

    <a href="">(2)</a>

    Thank you!


    Thank you very much for your response Theme Horse Keymaster — will try that


    Welcome anytime. Let us know if you have any problem.

    Thank you!

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