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link slider images to a webpage or delete the link

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  • #10106

    I have just upgraded to the Pro Version and now want to link my slider images to different web pages. Hoe do I do that and how do I also have a slider image with no link.

    Thank you.


    hi libby
    you go to the dashboard->theme-option->slider option.
    at below of the slider there is featured image slider option
    from here you can add a link of your image and link to different pages too.
    Thank you


    This is still not working for me. I went to dashboard -> appearance -> theme-option -> slider option -> featured image slider option and added the links where it said to. However when I click on the images in the slider, I’m still not being redirected.
    Before I upgraded to the Pro Version, I had the slider set up through POSTS and then I went into SLIDER OPTION -> POST/PAGE SLIDER OPTIONS and added the Featured Slider Post/Page # for each photo. I also have the Plug-In Revolution Slider.
    Please help…thanks.


    hi libby
    and slider image here.
    Featured Image Slider Options not in featured image post/page slider.
    Thank you

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