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Justified text in Service Widget

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  • #8304

    Does anybody knows how to make the text in 3 columns of Services Widget appears justified?
    Website: “Un Sitio”

    Sanjip Shah

    @DD In the dashboard, go to Appearance->Theme Options->Design Options Tab->Custom CSS. Paste the following css and click on ‘Save all Changes’.
    .service-item p { text-align: justify; }


    Thanks Sanjip,

    I used your CSS code but there are no changes in text as you can see in the next image. (Site was reload after changes to avoid caches problems)

    Site: un Sitio Ya . com

    Thanks again.


    Dear Sanjip,

    I found a way to get justified text in Service Widget.
    I create a manual excerpt in each page used in Service Widget with:

    <p align=”justify”>
    My text

    I think a general solution with CSS will be better but I don´t know do it.
    Do you have any comments about the CSS code “.service-item p { text-align: justify; }” that don´t work on my Site ?

    Thanks and Kind regards

    Sanjip Shah

    @DD Thats great. Using a manual excerpt with html tags is just good as custom css. So, don’t worry that, your changes will still be there when you update the theme.

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