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hyperlink issue in bullet paragraphs

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  • #41712

    Can someone help me resolve an issue I have regarding the hyperlinks in bullet paragraphs?

    For some reason they stay the same color as the rest of the text in that paragraph. The links work fine in the unbulleted content of my pages and posts, just not in the content where there are bullets.

    I tried modifying the code in the “text” (html) tab by adding this code to the link <font color=”FF00CC” vlink=”E1134E”>the word being linked</font> but when I go back to the “visual” tab, the code gets bumped out and reverts back the way it was and I get stuck with a link nobody would be able to tell is a link unless they put their curser over it.

    Thanks in advance for any help in solving this,


    Hi Shawn,

    You can add the link-color in the bullet list. Go to Appearance > Customize/Theme Options > Design Options Tab > Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    #content ul a,
    #content ol a {
        color: #05a9c5;

    Note: You can change above HEX color code #05a9c5 to your own HEX color code for the link.

    Thank You!


    Excellent, thank you so much


    You welcome shawn

    Thank you!

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