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How to Set 2 post per row

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  • #76990

    Currently there are 3 post are showing per row, so how should I Set 2 post per row.
    thanks in advanced


    Hi @100offdeal,

    Actually there is no option to show 3 or 2 posts per row. The layout is pretty dynamic. The posts per row will changes on certain screen sizes and even changes on the options with sidebar layout or full width with no sidebar layout. But it can be controlled with Custom CSS.

    So please go to ‘Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS’ and paste the below Custom CSS code.

    @media (min-width: 992px) {
    	.post-wrap .post-col {
    		-ms-flex: 0 0 50%;
    		flex: 0 0 50%;
    		max-width: 50%;

    (above code will work on bigger screen size even on Full width with no siderbar layout as well.)


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