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How can I customise text of TH: Posts Tabs?

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  • #75550

    How and where can I change text of ‘popular’, ‘recent’ and ‘commented’ tabs?


    Hi Henny,

    Just go to wp-content/themes/newscard-pro/inc/newscard-widgets.php and go to line no: 931, 933 and 937 there you can see the ‘Popular’, Recent’ and ‘Commented’ text as <?php esc_html_e('Popular','newscard');?> just replace the text ‘Popular’ as your need and change other two as same.
    We recommended you to edit those code by creating a child theme so that your code won’t be lost while updating the theme to the new version.

    Thank you!


    Can you give the correct lines for the MAGS pro theme?
    The ones above are for the Newscard theme….

    Thank you


    We are sorry for misleading but instruction is quite similar.

    yes go to the directory wp-content/themes/mags-pro/inc/mags-widgets.php and go to line no: 1259, 1262 and 1265. there you can see the ‘Popular’, Recent’ and ‘Commented’ text as <?php esc_html_e(‘Popular’,’mags’);?> just replace the text ‘Popular’ as your need and change other two as same.
    We recommended you to edit those code by creating a child theme so that your code won’t be lost while updating the theme to the new version.


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