is it possible to hide the line below a post that contains author, date and category information? I prefer to use the post-feature on my website instead of pages and subpages for my subjects, but I don’t want to have this information under my posts.
Thanks a lot in advance and kind regards,
Hi lonnekederoovere
We have developed our theme this way. If you reall want then you need code customization.
If you customize the code then all your customization code will be lost. So better make child theme and unhook the function first. Then add the code by rfemoving author, date, category etc.
Hi Sunil,
In the meantime I have bought the Attitude Pro theme but I still would like to hide the line below a post. Or, if that is not possible I would like to change the word ‘By’ into ‘Door’ since I am making a Dutch site.
Please let me know if I have to install a child-theme to be able to do this? And, iof so, How can I ‘unhook” the function as described in your previous answer.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards Lonneke
Thanks foor your advice. The problem is that I can’t create a proper working childtheme for Attitude Pro. The theme I have bought and downoaded is as follows Attitude-pro1 I assume that I can’t get it to work because of the dash in the theme’s name?!
Even when I installed a child theme under the name attitude-pro1-child I can’t see it from my wordpress-view-theme controlpanel.
you create a folder name attitude_pro_child
then inside it you make one style and import all the css there,
and again make the functions.php file then here you need code customization. Still if you are unable then you may hire a developer to fix the issue.
Thank you