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Hidden tags on homepage website- how to set up?


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  • #54733

    I have trouble with tags on my website. How can I hide/not display tags on main homepage website on PC, tablet and mobile devices view.

    I surf the internet and found this code:
    body.home .tag-links {
    display: none;

    This code IS WORKING and tags not display on homepage my site BUT this code NOT solve problem with tags on mobile version view. When I use mobile phone I see all the time tags. So what code I must to add to CSS Design if I want to have hidden tags on homepage in all platforms (PC, mobiles, tablets)?

    Help me please 🙂
    Matt 😉


    Hi matt,

    Just add below custom css code to hide the tags from your homepage.

    .home .tag-links {
        display: none;

    Thank you!

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