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Header Search Bar Visibility

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  • #5195

    Hi. Im currently using the attitude free theme. I just wanna ask if how can I make the search bar(input field) in my header appear even without clicking the search icon. This is really a great theme I hope you can help me. Thank you. And by the way, this is my site Laboratory Stack

    sovit ranjitkar

    Hi mgpelobello,

    To make the search bar(input field) in my header appear even without clicking the search icon
    Go to Appearance -> Theme Option -> Design Option Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    input.s {
    	width: 100px;
    	padding-left: 10px;
    	border-color: #eaeaea;
    	text-indent: 0;

    Thank you for using our theme.


    Hi Sovit,

    Thank you in advance for the great theme design. Do you know how to change the search bar icon color ans the text inside the box (SEARCH) to a custom text?

    Thank you again

    Rabin Shrestha

    Hi mehdib,

    Since the search icon is an image, if you want to change the color of it you have to create new icon with color of your choice and use it using child theme also for changing search text too you have to edit the code, there is no direct option for this.



    Good, how about the text in the search box ? i’m builting my website in french and want to remove (Search) and put a french word.

    Thank you guys.

    Rabin Shrestha

    @mehdib for that you have to create translation file. Have a look here on this article


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