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Having issue with the Page Layout

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  • #107464


    I have a problem with the blog that I made. I posted it exactly as I had intended, without sidebar. The blog was easily observable, but when I looked at the mobile version, the left section of the site was missing altogether. As a result, when I edited the page layout using Elementor, I selected Elementor Canvas. The section that was cut did get resolved, but there was a lot of room on the right side. Additionally, this specific webpage’s header and footer menus are also not shown. below is the link


    Hi there,

    It seems that theme’s file is not loading into your site.
    First just deactivate the plugins one by one and check? There may be some plugin conflict and we will get back to your issue afterward.

    Thank you!


    Hello, I have an issue with my website using the NewsCard theme. The slider is displaying as a blank space, and the banner is not scrolling anymore; it remains fixed. I need URGENT ASSISTANCE

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