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Google Structured Data Testing Error

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  • #17165

    When using the google structure data testing tool, I’m getting the following error:

    Error: Missing required field “entry-title”.
    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.

    From reading other posts, there is was an update to fix this problem in your other themes. Was there an update for Interface Premium? If not, what can I do to fix this problem?


    I would also like to add that I’m certain you did not release a new premium theme where people are paying for a theme without making your code compatible for google data structure. I can’t imagine you doing that. So I’m certain that I’m doing something wrong.


    Hi preciouskittens,
    We have designed our theme this way. If you want to fix the google error then you can create a child theme and first unhook the functions and after than customize the code.
    The file is inside theme folder -> inc -> structure -> content-extension.php

    You may customize the code because if you customize the code by creating the child theme then your data will not be lost while updating to our new version.

    Thank you!


    You designed the theme to not work with google? Who would make a theme like that? Could you please explain a little better. I’m not experienced at code writing. That’s why I bought the theme from you. I assumed you wouldn’t sell a product that is not compatible with google. Please explain in detail exactly what I need to do. I paid for this theme and support.


    How do I get to the folders?
    How do I create a child theme?


    I can’t believe I paid money and spent all this time setting up the website only to learn that it doesn’t work with google. Not happy. I may not know how to create a child theme, unhook a function, or change codes. But I do know how to put complaints up about this theme. This is crazy. Why make a website theme that creates errors with google? This is something you should be very upfront about when you sell the theme. It should say in big letters – DOES NOT WORK WITH GOOGLE. YOU WILL NEED TO CHANGE THE CODE, CREATE A CHILD THEME, AND UNHOOK FUNCTION. I would never of bought it because I don’t know how to do any of this. 🙁


    Hi. Still waiting for instructions on how to fix this error. I need to know how to create a child them, unhook the function, and customize the code. Thank you.


    Hi preciouskittens,
    Ok I will help for you how to create a child theme ?

    Inside the theme folder (where your theme file is located (interface-pro)) Create a filer named interface-pro-child.
    Inside this interfce-pro-child folder Create 2 file. One is style.css file and the next is functions.php file

    under style.css file

     Theme Name:   Interface Pro Child
     Theme URI:
     Description:  Interface Theme
     Author:       Themehorse
     Author URI:
     Text Domain:  interface-child-pro
    @import url("../interface-pro/style.css");
    /* =Theme customization starts here
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */

    If you want css customize then you can write css in this style.css file

    If you want to modify other functions then you need to unhook functions.
    The file is inside theme folder -> inc -> structure -> content-extension.php

    First of all you need to identify which file and functions you need to modify. Then after you start coding. I can give you a simple coding with explanation how to unhook. Then after you need to fix it by yourself and still if you are unable then you may hire a developer to fix it.

    unhook functions
    // Unhook default Thematic functions
    function unhook_thematic_functions() {
        // Don't forget the position number if the original function has one
    remove_action( 'interface_404_content', 'interface_display_404_page_content', 10 );
    add_action( 'interface_404_content', 'interface_child_display_404_page_content', 10 );
     * function to show the footer info, copyright information
    function interface_child_display_404_page_content() {      ?>   
    <div id="content">
    		<header class="entry-header">
    			<h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e( 'Error 404-Page NOT Found', 'interface' ); ?></a></h1>
    		<div class="entry-content clearfix" >
    			<p>Thank you</p> 
    		</div><!-- .entry-content -->
    	</div><!-- #content -->

    Here this above functions will overrides the files and display thank you when page is not found. It overrides the previous content and display the new. So you can also edit the missing arguments same as it.

    Thank you!


    Where do I find the theme folder?
    How do I create a file?

    Sorry, but I need extremely specific instructions. I am not an expert at this, only a novice. I had no idea that the theme I purchased from you would produce google errors on all pages and posts thus affecting my rankings. Do you plan on making an update to fix this problem? I don’t mind waiting for that instead of trying to fix it myself. Please let me know if you plan of correcting this problem with an update.

    I would also like to add that I liken this to a scenario where I purchase an alarm clock from you. The alarm clock is beautiful and tells perfect time. But the alarm doesn’t work which makes me late for work each day. I then go back to you and tell you that the alarm isn’t working only to get your following response: “This is how we made the alarm clock. If you want the alarm to work you will need to fix it yourself or hire someone to do it for you”.

    What’s the point of an alarm clock with an non-functioning alarm. Just like what’s the point of a website theme that creates pages and posts with google errors. When pages have errors it affects site rankings. You made a beautiful theme. Why not fix this very serious problem with an update?

    Once again, please let me know if you plan on fixing this problem in your next update. I would rather wait for that than try to fix this myself. I’m certain that I would make a mess of things. And I’m certainly not going to spend more money by hiring someone.

    Thank you for answering my questions especially the one where I’m asking about an update. Your response will greatly affect my next step with regard to this matter.


    Hi preciouskittens,
    Ok just send the screenshot of this error. It will be more easy for us to identify too. We will fix this error within a couple of week in our new version.

    Thank you!


    Thank you. How do I send you a screen shot? I know how to send a screen shot via email. I don’t know how to paste a screenshot in this forum.

    If you go to the google structure data testing tool at . Use a url page (different than post) from my website such as , you will get the following errors:

    Error: Missing required field “entry-title”.
    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.

    If you enter a post (different than a page) into the testing tool such as , you will get the following errors:

    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.

    These errors will occur on all websites using your theme – not just my website. It will affect google rankings on each page and post. It will show up as errors when submitting your site to google webmaster tools. I have done a lot of research on this problem which occurred from a google algorithm update. It needs to be fixed within the theme. Here are a few articles I’ve read about this problem. Many wordpress themes have been updated to correct these errors:

    Also if you paste these errors in a google search, you will get results with further information.


    Hi preciouskittens,
    Thanks for your suggestion. We will update it in our upcoming version. This may take a couple of week to fix. Because we are busy on our new theme too. We will update it within a couple of week.

    Thank You!


    Thank you. I’m happy you are going to fix this in two weeks. Looking forward to it.


    Hi preciouskittens,
    We are having holiday for 1 week. So will update it soon as we be back to work.

    Thank You!


    I don’t have webmaster structure errors with my posts, just all my pages which show up as Missing: Author, Missing: Updated. I’d also be interested in a theme update to fix this problem instead of having to create a child theme for something that should be a normal part of any theme.



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