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Getting rid of Theme by: Theme Horse Powered by: WordPress

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  • #16179

    I don’t know if it has been covered here but is it possible to get rid of the “Theme by: Theme Horse Powered by: WordPress” at the bottom of the page in the free version?


    Hi shanetrain86,

    This feature is not available in free version of our theme. This feature is only available in Pro version.

    Thank you!


    1. go to inc/structure/footer-extensions.php
    2. Edit Line 68 & 69

    Note: Create Child theme and edit the code.

    Thank you


    That’s great saroop

    Thank you!


    In any case it would be nice to keep a link to Theme Horse somewhere on the page – just as a small sign of gratitude for the free theme 😉
    just sayin’


    Here is what I did after I failed in overruling the inc/structure/footer-extensions.php with my child theme (for whatever reason):

    (1) Copy footer.php and footer-extensions.php to child theme folder

    (2) Edit footer.php line 42ff.: require or include (doesn’t really matter) the extensions and rename the action:

    <footer id="colophon" class="clearfix">
    		      do_action( 'interface-child_footer' );

    (3) Edit footer-extensions.php: rename all functions (to avoid “cannot redeclare” errors), make your adjustments and adjust all add_action statements to the new action name from above (‘interface-child_footer’) – my footer-extensions.php looks like this now (for sure some bits could be deleted and finetuned, but this seems to work for the time being):

     * Adds footer structures.
     * @package 		Theme Horse
     * @subpackage 		Interface
     * @since 			Interface 1.0
     * @license GPL v2.0 (or later)
     * @link
    global $interface_theme_setting_value;
    		$options = $interface_theme_setting_value;
    add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_widget_area', 5 );
     * Displays the footer widgets
    function interface_child_footer_widget_area() {
    	get_sidebar( 'footer' );
    if ((1 != $options['disable_bottom']) && (!empty($options['social_phone'] ) || !empty($options['social_email'] ) || !empty($options['social_location']))) {
    add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_footer_infoblog', 10 );
     * Opens the footer infobox
    add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_div_close', 15 );
     * Close the previous div.
    function interface_child_footer_div_close() {
    	echo '</div> <!-- .container -->
    	</div> <!-- .info-bar -->';
    add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_open_sitegenerator_div', 20 );
     * Opens the site generator div.
    function interface_child_open_sitegenerator_div() {
    	echo '
    	<div id="site-generator">
    				<div class="container clearfix">';
    add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_socialnetworks', 25 );
    add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_footer_info', 30 );
     * function to show the footer info, copyright information
    function interface_child_footer_info() {         
       $output = '<div class="copyright">'.__( 'Copyright &copy;', 'interface' ).' '.'[the-year] [site-link]'.'<br>'.__( 'Theme by:', 'interface' ).' '.'[th-link]'.'</div><!-- .copyright -->';
       echo do_shortcode( $output );
    add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_close_sitegenerator_div', 35 );
     * Close the sitegenerator div.
    function interface_child_close_sitegenerator_div() {
    echo '</div><!-- .container -->	
    			</div><!-- #site-generator -->';
    add_action( 'interface-child_footer', 'interface_child_backtotop_html', 40 );
     * Shows the back to top icon to go to top.
    function interface_child_backtotop_html() {
    	echo '<div class="back-to-top"><a href="#branding">'.__( ' ', 'interface' ).'</a></div>';

    That’s great Wolf
    Any help for this footer editor is not provided because it is designed in this way and this feature is not available in free version.

    Thank you!


    guys i really font understand how to do this in my website
    please help me guys.. to remove that footer link


    Hello @wikirise12

    Those feature are not available in free version you have to upgrade to premium version of the theme.

    Thank you!

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