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Extend Right Sidebar to the Bottom of the Page (container)

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  • #42587

    I have 2 parts to my right sidebar, an image and links that align to the top of the page, AND an image that I want to align to the very bottom of the page based on the length of the copy. I can put a bunch of paragraph breaks in the sidebar to push the bottom down but it stays at the same level for all pages. Is there a way to have an image that always anchors to the bottom of the sidebar aligned to the bottom of the main page content?

    Many thanks for the help – great theme!


    Hi ghowes,

    Could you please provide us your site Url so that we can provide the exact CSS.

    Thank you!


    Here is a page and the current css. I treid the display: table-cell method based on some research but it did not have any affect so I’ve fixed the height at 900px for now. I’d like to have that bottom image align to the bottom of the content. Thank you!”

    #secondary {
    display: table-cell;
    background-image: url(;
    background-size: contain;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: right bottom;
    height: 900px;
    #content, #secondary {
    display: table-cell;


    Hi Ghowes,

    What about adding that image to the #primary tag rather than in #secondary? So that it stays at the bottom of the each article.

    Thank you!

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