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css classes

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  • #23921

    How can I add a CSS code for the font of a sub menu item. which code I need.


    Hi Aparicio,

    Could you make it more clear? And also please send your site url too so that it will be more easy to fix the problem.

    Thank you!



    in the menu subitem said that the can make a custom css class in this submenu item.

    In summary, I want to make the subitem text more big than the default



    Hi Aparicio,

    To change the font size of the dropdown menu Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Typography Options -> Font Size -> Navigation Child there you can set the size of font.

    Thank you!


    thanks. the biggest child font option is 19.

    I cant make it mora bigger.

    This is the bigger?


    Hi Aparicio,

    Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Design Options Tab -> Custom CSS paste the following CSS code and Click on save all changes button:

    #access ul li ul li a {
        font-size: 19px;

    Please increase above digit value to have the bigger font size in navigation child.

    Thank you!

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