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Changing Font Color

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  • #6403

    Can you please help me change the font color of my content (titles, posts, etc)? I’ve changed the font size before, but it’s still hard to read because the font color is light. Is there a code to make sure it’s standard black? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


    Hi MairiaM, can you share me your site url then it is easy to solve problem


    Thanks so much for the quick reply! Here you go:


    Just following up on this request 🙂

    Sanjip Shah

    @MairiaM Changing the fonts color for the different elements; this feature is available in the pro version. You can purchase the pro version if you like as it provides greater amount of flexibility to change the colors of different elements all over the theme.
    However, I will help for this one request. In the dashboard, go to Appearance->Theme Options->Design Options Tab->Custom CSS. Paste the following css and click on ‘Save all Changes’.

    .entry-title, .entry-title a {
        color: #555555;
    .entry-content {
        color: #555555; 

    You can change the color code to your choice Hope this helps. 🙂


    Oh, I’m sorry Sanjip, I wasn’t aware that was a pro feature. In any case, thank you so much for your help! The content looks much better!

    By the way, I tried to donate to the theme as a way of thanking you guys for all your help, but I kept receiving an error, something to the effect that you weren’t ready to accept payment. Please let me know how I can do this.

    Sanjip Shah

    @MairiaM You don’t have to say sorry at all. We are happy to provide support to our users for few lines of css code :). Generally, if users ask for more styling options we refer our users to buy the pro theme (also users can enjoy other many features as well).
    You can make the donation via paypal to this email address [email protected]. We really appreciate it. Thanks.


    Thanks again! Just submitted my donation 🙂

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