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Change "Read more" to "Learn more"

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  • #10317

    I’d like to change the “Read more” to “Learn more” on the home page (Business Template) where it shows up under the icon using the ThemeHorse:Services widget. I wouldn’t mind if this changed at every instance on the website, but I definitely would like to change it here.

    I am using a child theme. I’ve copied the content-extensions.php file into the child theme and changed all instances of “Read more” to “Learn more”. This hasn’t changed on the actual website.
    The file is in the same path in the child theme as in the parent theme “/inc/structure/content-extensions.php”

    My style.css in my child theme looks like this:

    Theme Name:     interface-child
    Description:    interface child theme
    Author:         GreenClean
    Template:       interface
    Text Domain:	interface-child
    @import url("../interface/style.css");

    while creating the child theme you need to create one function.php
    The content is not displayed from the content-extension.php its displayed from the inc->widgets->interface_widgets.php
    Thank you


    functions.php in root or in /inc/functions?
    What code should be in the file? says “Do not copy the full content of functions.php of the parent theme into functions.php in the child theme.”
    I tried with empty files and just one line with “<?php”, but nothing works when changing the inc/widgets/interface_widgets.php in the child theme

    Best Regards


    Hi liljeroos,
    First of all you need to unhook the functions in child theme functions.php Then only you can change the code.

    Here is the link which may help for you. Yes exactly don’t copy all the functions just copy only the functions which you want to change.
    For more information.

    If you are still unable to unhook and change the code then you may hire a developer to fix the issue.

    Thank you!

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