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Change link colors in posts.


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  • #3757

    Could you please help me change the link colors in the posts (not the entire site, just for posts and pages). I would like to know how to change the color and hover color. The effected website is


    I figured out how to change the link colors in a post. My only remaining issue is how do I change the link colors when a list (ul, ol) is used in a post. At the moment, all the link colors in lists is the same as the text.

    To change the links in posts colors, I used the following custom CSS:

    .post a {color:#05A9C5;}
    .post a:visited {color:#05A9C5;}
    .post a:hover {text-decoration:underline;} 

    If you have a better method, please share.

    sovit ranjitkar
    Keymaster To change the link colors when a list (ul, ol) is used in a post paste below Custom CSS code with your own color code:

    #content post ul a, 
    #content post ol a {
        color: #777777;
    #content post ul a:hover,
    #content post ol a:hover {
        color: #05A9C5;

    Thank you for using our theme.

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