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center google adsense advertisement on mags homepage

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  • #72407


    This is dfreeman. I have enjoyed having mags as the theme to my sports and news publication. But I have a couple of questions related to the centering of google adsense or any other advertisement space on the homepage. I have three (3) ads placed on my homepage. Two (2) of the ads I have successfully centered with help and assistance from the Theme Horse team. However, I am having a difficult time trying to center the third advertisement on the homepage of my website. I have tried unsuccessfully to duplicate what I did for the first two ads, but the ad is still located on the left of the website. I could use some assistance on this matter. The website is News4usonline, and you will be able to see how the ads are lined up.

    Thanks, dfreeman


    Hi @dfreeman,

    Some time google ads won’t renders some classes to which we worked to centered before. So to centered all the google ads then please go to ‘Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS’ and paste the below code.

    .widget_text .adsbygoogle {
    	display: block !important;
    	margin-left: auto;
    	margin-right: auto;


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