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Can page excerpts be added to featured widget in business template?

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  • #12404

    Title is self-explanatory..



    Hi david dannan.
    we did not get exactly what you mean ? Could you make it a bit clear.

    Thank you!


    Hi david dannan.
    we did not get exactly what you mean ? Could you make it a bit clear.

    Thank you!


    Hi david dannan.
    we did not get exactly what you mean ? Could you make it a bit clear.

    Thank you!


    Sure. The featured widget in the business template displays the featured image and page title. I would like to customize the code so that it also displays the custom page excerpt.


    Hi david dannan.
    If you want to customize the code of the widgets section. then go to theme folder -> library -> widgets -> attitude_widgets.
    From here you can customize the code.
    Thank you!

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