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Can I insert the position-linked of current working in Slogan/Slider title bar?

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  • #24657

    My question means that is the following hierarchical menu(like your home Demo).

    Interface Pro / Services
    Interface Pro / Two Column
    Interface Pro / Blog / Blog Image Medium

    You know they are written in Slogan/Slider title bar(except Slogan of front page) in your Demo home?
    I want to get that.. has this theme(Interface Pro) any function for the working?

    If not, I’m going to install Breadcrumb NavXT plug in.
    and installation then, where can I find the part of code/tags for the Slogan title bar?
    I already find some codes for the slogan as PAGE-TITLE in Style.css.
    But I can’t find any php/html file.

    I mean..where is the following code(for Breadcrumb NavX) for the position-linked.

    <div class=”breadcrumbs”>



    Hi pentalogia,

    The breadcrumbs code is inside theme folder-> inc -> structure -> header-extension.php , before making any changes first of all create a child theme then only customize the code so that your customized data will not be lost while updating to our new version.

    Thank you!


    Thank you for your answer.
    I found the codes for breadcrumbs in header-extension.php file.
    But I don’t perfectly understand it.
    You mean this theme Interface-Pro already had this function and can be used in the position-linked menu without any installation Breadcrumb NavXT plug-in?
    Or must be also installed NavXT plug-in besides ‘header-extension.php file function’?
    If I don’t need to install NavXT plug-in, How can I control and get activate the function that’s in header-extension.php file?

    Thank you.


    I successfully completed its setting!
    Thanks a lot!
    I like the theme!


    That’s great pentalogia

    Thank you!

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