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Call Secondary CSS File for Custom Page

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  • #8712

    Can you instruct me on how to call a custom CSS file for a custom page? I did some Google research, but couldn’t find which PHP file is calling style.css.


    Hi arin_w
    You can write the custom CSS. Here is the process. go to dashboard-> apperance -> theme-options -> design-options. Below there is custom CSS, Just click on it. Add your Custum CSS you want.

    there is another way to write CSS for the theme. You can simply create child theme for our theme then write all your CSS in theme child style.css file. For more detail have a look here



    Thank you for your response. I need to include a template page with a different custom header and CSS styles under the same theme, so I’m unable to use the methods you’ve provided. I would like to know which PHP file is used to call the style.css initially so I can add a conditional CSS file.


    Hi Arin_w

    Here is the php file where the style.css is called.
    go to your theme file -> library -> functions -> function.php on line 27. You can change it from here.

    But it you get update then your css will be lost as already i have mentioned to you.

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