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Business layout services icon


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  • #5001

    Hello! I am really liking your theme and find it very easy to set up and use. I am nearly there with my website but just have one small question which is probably very easy to sort out…

    I would like the icons for the services on the business page layout to all be the same, ie the same as my logo blue box. However, I cannot use the featured icon because I am already using the featured icon for the slides in the slider which are pictures.

    Can you tell me where to make a change in the code so I can use an image of my logo for all of the services, instead of the featured image?


    Hello, I have managed to do this.

    I created a child theme, created a functions.php file, copied the functions from the attitude_widgets.php to my child theme and renamed and edited them to point the icon to my logo blue box. I also changed the styling for the service-widget and service-icon too.

    It appears to be working, however, if you think I could do this a better way, please do tell.

    Ciao, Jules

    Sanjip Shah

    @justjules If you are using a child theme to make the changes, it is surely the best way to do it.

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