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Banners: multiple categories

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  • #89413


    I would like to show in banners all the articles related to sub categories. I cannot choose the main category as it is treated as different category, so this is not a solution. The suggestion given some time ago of assigning two categories, at least temporarily, is not the best from a SEO point of view.

    Can the developers add an option to select multiple categories to be shown in the banners? In this way we can make appear all the posts related to a main category.


    Hi xeinar,

    Assigning more than one category to any post will not affect the SEO. There will be many such posts that has to assign multiple categories.



    Hello there,

    I’m back on the same request. Our website would really benefit by having banners being able to display posts from a main category and the related subcategories (even if the main category has zero articles).
    We run a multi-topic magazine and we have several main and child categories.

    As mentioned in the past, assigning more than one category (as suggested) will eventually create SEO indexing issues, starting from having the same post indexed in two different categories and thus penalized in the end.

    This plugin does it in the main content area, so I guess that this is technically possible even for the banners?

    I understand that this feature would require some extra work, but you’ll end up having an added value with your theme.
    Thanks in advance for your support.


    Hi Xeinar,

    Yes we do understand your requirements but we are really unknown about such SEO issue for assigning Multiple Categories to a post. As there are many active Websites that have been using our Themes but they have never faced such SEO issue. Not only our Themes but there are other themes as well which works as assigning multiple Categories, even the WordPress itself are designed to create and assign the multiple categories. That’s why the archive page is designed and created by WordPress to list the respective posts by day, year, categories, tags etc.

    Setting Multiple Categories would be a New Feature for the Theme but it really won’t affects the SEO.



    Thanks for your reply. Do you think it would be possible instead to have the banners selecting TAGS, as an option, other than categories?


    Yes it is possible but to include this feature you need to customize the Theme Code.


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