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All search results from BuddyPress Global Search plugin appearing in plain text

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  • #47274

    The BuddyPress Global Search plugin use useful for BuddyPress and bbPress sites. It shows search suggestions and, at the bottom of that list, a link to view all results.

    Using Attitude, the links to the suggestions works OK but the page for all results is shown as a single line of plain text.

    It works correctly with a theme such as Twenty Sixteen, so something is not working right with Attitude. I suspect it is not loading the results page template correctly.

    You can see the problem by going to my test site here, finding the search glass top right and entering the search term Tony.

    Can anyone help, please?

    NB 1. I realise I need to improve the .css for the search suggestions – that is not the problem here.
    NB 2. If this issue gets fixed, the above link will no longer demonstrate the problem.


    Hi Tony,

    We have just activated the BuddyPress Global Search plugin and bbPress and the search result is working fine where the results page template displays correctly.

    It will be better if you provide us the screenshot because we cannot see the exact issue in your site. You also may try deactivating other plugins one by one to be a sure it was not a plugin conflict issue.

    Thank you


    Thanks for getting back to me. I have deactivated all plugins except BuddyPress, bbPress and BuddyPress Global Search and I still have the problem.

    1. Screen shot showing search suggestions (correct)
    2. Screen shot showing all results (in plain ext)
    3. Screen shot of same using Twenty Sixteen theme showing all results correctly

    Any further suggestions, please?


    Hi Tony,

    Yes i got what you mean. This is the issue with bbPress and BuddyPress Global Search compatible with our theme. So you need a bit of code customization on theme. Go to theme folder -> library -> structure -> content-extension.php on line no 380 you will see this code <?php the_excerpt(); ?> and replace with <?php the_content(); ?>

    We recommended not to change the code because if you change the code then while updating to our new version all your customisation code will be lost. So better make child theme and first unhook the functions and the edit the code.

    Thank you


    Thank you for this. I have included a modified version of attitude_theloop_for_search() in a child theme and all works as required.

    Question: given that standard themes such as Twenty Sixteen worked without modification (presumably displaying the_content() rather than the-excerpt()), will you be changing this in a future update to Attitude or will you stick with how it is now?

    I ask so I can keep an eye open for when/whether I should remove my custom version.

    thanks again, Tony


    Hi Tony,

    Recently we will stick with this. No need to worry about it if you have added it on child theme. If we add the content then all the content will be displayed so we planned to use excerpt and display limited words.

    Thank you

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