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Adding logo as a header

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  • #4496

    Please can someone advise how to add my company logo as a header on Attitude Pro?
    The sizes as advised on the instruction sheet don’t work. I cannot get the header to be the right size – i have tried adding it through Appearance/Header and also through Appearance/Theme options. I also want the logo to be a link back to the home page.
    Please help or the computer will be out the window!
    Thanks in advance.

    Sanjip Shah

    @sallysquirrell To add the logo image, in the dashboard go to Appearance->Theme Options->Design Options Tab->Custom Header.
    Upload the header logo image from there and check on ‘Show header logo image’. Then click on save all the change. The logo you add
    as header logo image will link back to home page.


    is it also possible to add a text behind the logo (text following the logo, so that both text and logo could be displayed and not only one of them) which would look like e.g. as following:

    # siemsam
    logo Text

    Thanks in andvance

    Rabin Shrestha

    Hi Suntec,

    Currently both text and logo cannot be shown with default option. You can either design the logo with text on it and use it instead.


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