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Add URL Web site into Summary Linkedin Profile

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  • #23578


    When I add my URL Web site into my Summary LinkedIn Profile.

    LinkedIn does not select the good one image.

    How can I say to LinkedIn to select the good one image from Attitude Theme Pro ?

    Thank you,


    Sorry! We could not able to understand what you are trying to say? Could you please clarify it clearly?

    Thank you!



    When I add the URL of my website in my LinkedIn Summary profile. To display the title of my website, favicon, the summary of my website (few words) and URL. I see that everything works fine except the image.

    LinkedIn does not choose the default image of my site. The favicon.

    Is’t possible that the tag og:image may not be assigned properly?

    According to the WordPress website

    There are two ways to proceed:

    1) Acquire a modern theme that assigns the appropriates values to the Open Graph tags
    2) Install a plug-in that allows us to achieve this assignment

    My question: How can I assign the correct values to Open Graph tags when using Theme Attitude Pro?

    I doesn’t speak about a particular post, article but about Web site.

    Thank you


    Hi Info19,

    Sorry for late reply. We missed you topic.
    For Open Graph tags services for the theme you can try using the plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast.

    Thank you!

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