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Reply To: contact bar icons not showing in MSIExplorer 11 on Win8.1


I can see from your screenshot that it is presenting properly. As you can see from my screenshot – it is not. I know you already mentioned that there is ‘no’ large white space but in fact, as you can see from my screenshot….. there is. And there are missing icons in both the contact bar and the social media icons are missing in the header.

So, it is not all fine. All plugins were deactivated to test out the issue prior to sending you screenshots. All plugins have in fact been deactivated twice in order to test this. Awesome Screenshot is NOT available for the version of browser I am using therefore you are not running the same platform. So, let’s come to an understanding – you are presently unable to duplicate the problem but that does not mean that there is not a problem to solve.

The screenshots I am sending you are straight-forward CTRL-Printscreen to Photoshop to resize and save. The logo is not presented centered in the header; the icons are missing. Toshiba Satellite S50-B laptop (3 months old) with 15″ screen hooked to 19″ monitor running Win 8.1 and as mentioned viewing website using MSIE 11 (Ver. 11.096). If I run Chrome on same platform, the website presents correctly.

I would like to work together with you to solve this issue. I see the client tomorrow and if he’s running the same as I – then I either find a solution or I remove the theme and we go with another one.

Above screenshot as mentioned – logo is not centered in header; icons are missing in contact bar; social media icons and links are missing in header.

Let’s try again, shall we? 🙂
