Hey guys 🙂
Well dear people, I have happened to stumble upon the “Cache” concept. So we do use WordFence Falcon Engine as a cache.
And a tiny reminder if I may? gzip-ing JavaScript files is not at stake here it is JavaScript files combining. Menaing there are numerous same files and numerous tiny but different files being loaded and each and every one of them little rascals requires one HTTP round trip ….
Saying all of that on the level of the server, we have been expertly fidling with that Appache thing and everything is gzipped as much as it can be for http being served …
Solving this problem will require a theme rewrite and we surely do not want to go there, do we?
(no wonder it took them “goog people” approx 2 years to develop Twenty Sixteen to avoid this issue in concert with WP)
AS it stands right now pingdom five us score 73 which is not that bad … so let’s put this one under the prverbial “carpet” shall we?