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Reply To: The JavaScript for Accordion does not work


Thank you very much for your recommendation! It has very helped! 🙂

First I did my script code at interface-child/header.php inserted. So It works marvellous!

But than I was going to enqueue it from functions.php to head section.

Thereto I made the following steps:

  1. In interface-child/header.php in <head>-area the following code inserted:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  2. A new javaScript created: accordion.js in file interface-child/js:
                        $('dt > a').removeClass('open').addClass("closed");
  3. To Loading the scripts properly in WordPress, I did pasted the following code in my child-theme’s functions.php file:
    function wp_interface_scripts() {
                    wp_register_script('my_accordion_script', plugins_url('accordion.js', get_stylesheet_directory() . 'js/accordion.js'), array('jquery'),'1.0.0', false);
                add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_interface_scripts' );

Unfortunately it doesn’t work. Where do I make mistake?

Thank you very much again!