Hi Boni,
Could you provide your site link? Yes we have cut the image in many size. These are the below image size. The below code is inside theme folder -> functions.php
`add_image_size( ‘featured’, 670, 300, true ); // blog large image
add_image_size( ‘featured-medium’, 230, 230, true ); // blog image medium
add_image_size( ‘slider-narrow’, 1038, 460, true ); // used on Featured Slider on Homepage Header for narrow layout
add_image_size( ‘slider-wide’, 1400, 460, true ); // used on Featured Slider on Homepage Header for wide layout
add_image_size( ‘gallery’, 474, 342, true ); // used to show gallery all images
add_image_size( ‘icon’, 80, 80, true ); //used for icon on business layout`
If you want to change the image then change the numeric value to fit your size. Doing it regenerate the thumbnail using regenerate thumbnails
You don’t need to add <p> tag
. You write the content on visual or on text no problem. It will automatically add p tag to your front end.
Hope this may help you!
Thank you!