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Reply To: Article page redirects to homepage although settings are right


unfortunately this is not the issues. I have dozens of sites on other themes and I know the procedure how to set the homepage and choose the blog page. It is done in one click, right? I never had any problem. Only with your theme.
Your theme has the option to choose the homepage and blogpage in two places, through the regular WP reading and through the theme personnalisation funtion. I have been double-checking both places and playing with it. I know how it works, I have other sites with other themes that function as supposed to be.
I chose a specific page as home page and another page the blog page. The home page works properly and integrates the page chosen properly. The blog page redicrects to weird page setup.
Actually the page to which the blog page redirects is not the actual home page but seems to be a different homepage layout. It shows the slider and the three widgets that could be on the front page if I had not chosen a specific page.
I don’t want to display the domain name publicly in a forum if possible. If I could contact the customer service privately I could provide the domain name to check it out.
I tried full excerpt blog page, large picture blog page and medium picture blog page layout when setting up the blog page. It always gives the same result.
Just now to solve the issue temporarily for user functionality, I put the ‘article’ tag category page on the menu for the blog and put all blog posts in the category ‘articles’, so the page shows all blog posts. But the url structure is now instead of (I am using the title article instead of blog). Otherwise users will get the weird page if I set the regular blog page on the menu. I don’t want the dysfunctional function display on the site until this is resolved.