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Reply To: Removing Google API fonts in child theme



I appreciate the suggestions on the 404 page, but that’s not related to the specific problem I’m having.

My child theme has a stylesheet and functions.php. I’ve added several functions to the latter, which are working fine. However, I’m having trouble unhooking the Google fonts function.

I see that the parent theme’s function.php file is running a function called attitude_scripts_styles_method() and that this function is first registering the style ‘google-fonts’ and then enqueuing it. I’ve tried creating a function in the child functions.php file to deregister google-fonts, dequeue, or both, both as separate functions and together, but none of them are working.

I was able to do this successfully on another site with a different theme, but that theme handled the Google fonts hook differently (it had an individual function to register and enqueue that style, rather than doing that as part of another function), so it was easier to unhook. I sort of grasp the basics here, but I’m not a developer, so the structure of this specific function is confounding me.