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Reply To: [the-year] & [site-link] tags in footer not working..


I had the same problem and figured out a solution with this:

// Remove old copyright text
add_action( 'init' , 'mh_remove_copy' , 15 );
function mh_remove_copy() {
        remove_action( 'attitude_footer', 'attitude_footer_info', 30 );

// Add my own copyright text
add_action( 'attitude_footer' , 'mh_footer_info' , 30 );
function mh_footer_info() {
   $output = '<div class="copyright">'.'Copyright &copy; '.attitude_the_year().' ' .attitude_site_link().''.'</div><!-- .copyright -->';
   echo do_shortcode( $output );

So really you only have to change
[the-year] [site-link]


'.attitude_the_year().' ' .attitude_site_link().'

And it works for me — but the pros can tell me if that is a good way or not, maybe there is some flaw to it?