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Reply To: Featured post


Hi Julien,

It would be better if you provide Site Url too. Do you mean that your slider is not displaying? If you are using Post/ Page slider then
Go to Appearance->Theme Options->Featured Posts/Pages slider->slider options
Set the number of sliders and other transition effects.
Then go to featured post/page slider options below slider options
Fill each input box with the Post/Page ID of the post/page which you want to use as slider.
You can view Post ID by clicking Posts/Pages->All posts/pages in your Dashboard. Hover the Edit link on individual Post/Page there you can see the digit value of the Post ID.
Remember that each post whose post/page id you are using for slider must have featured image minimum of size 1038(width in px) for narrow-layout and 1440(width in px) for wide layout and height according to your choice for slider image to show properly(Note: Better to use all images of same size.)
After filling all input box with Post/Page ID click save.
NOTE: Slider works for the home page and static front page.

Thank you!